the call

The calling I have received is to nurture the collective capacity to access presence. Through beauty, vulnerability, and wisdom of the body.
giancarlo pucci
soul centered facilitator
photographic storyteller
purpose entrepreneur
social innovator
regeneration strategist
conscious parenting

Although I've had several professional transitions over the years (some smoother than others), there have been three profound turning points in my life.

When I began meditating at age 18 while backpacking in India, I felt a profound expansion of my inner world.

At 33, I had a crisis of purpose. I realized that my focus on career and money was draining rather than nourishing me. After a few years of leaping into the void, a conviction emerged to align myself with a greater purpose.

The third is now in 2024, almost at the end of my seventh seven-year cycle in this body. In these last few years, I have connected with a deeper part of myself beyond my constructed identity. It has required traversing layers of fear, shame, and guilt—not only my own but also intergenerational and collective. I am very grateful for an intense and supportive process that has shown me our authentic nature, lighter, with the ability to listen to the subtle movements of life.

Over the past three years, I have been opening myself to deep inner work, paying attention to the shadows and lovingly integrating the young, wisely fragmented parts of my nervous system at their own pace.

It is an ongoing process of processes. I have learned to ask for support when I feel overwhelmed or when my human experience feels intense. The experience has required a hefty dose of humility, courage, and, at the same time, trust in a higher power that guides these processes in me, my ancestors, and the collective.

I am inspired by mentors, guides, teachers, and friends.

Sergi Torres

He is a contemporary mystic. Lecturer, writer and promoter of a new consciousness.

Amoda Maa

Dedicated to support inner transformation. Teacher, author, and director of The Amoda Maa Foundation.

Thomas Hüebl

International facilitator of collective trauma healing, teacher of modern mysticism and inner sciences.

Otto Scharmer

Author of Theory U, and co-author of Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-system to Eco-system Economies.

Part of this process is a deep inner calling to use my talents in the service of life.

It is a revisiting of purpose to further align with a greater purpose beyond my known identity, from being to Being. It is a dance, a back and forth, and it may sound strange, but it has begun and is compassionately inescapable and unavoidable.

The calling I have received is to

nurture the collective capacity to access presence. Through beauty, vulnerability, and wisdom of the body.

So, I am currently open to collaborations or services that directly contribute to creating spaces of deep transformation that bring us closer to our authentic selves and promote systemic change that transforms how we interact on and with this planet.

I have found great joy in photography. Drawn in by the light that reveals both obvious and subtle beauty, photography has become a way for me to showcase the natural and human phenomena that deserve our attention and celebration.

In the spaces where I participate, my experience as a facilitator converges with my artistic vision and awareness as a photographer. Above all, I am committed to a deeper calling to serve life.

If not now,

If not us,
then who?

In a time of apparent global incoherence, I intend to use every breath of hope for this greater purpose.

  • To be able to support, accompany, empower and guide to/with others.
  • Part of my calling is to support, accompany, empower, and guide generative spaces where human potential is unleashed and where we surrender to mutual/collective flourishing. Spaces where we make wise choices and sources of intelligence accessible to all, with courage, compassion, and joy.
  • We walk on the edge of the known with a sense of adventure and courage to open up to the unknown, to what is emerging, to go beyond where only our heads have taken us, to open space for the heart, intuition, and soul connection.
  • We open spaces for deep listening without turning away or normalizing individual, intergenerational, or collective trauma—soul-centered spaces to access evolutionary information for human flourishing.
  • We empower relationships as a vehicle to access sources of creativity charged with presence and strengthen our belonging—not to a group but to life itself.
  • We cultivate the vertical connection as a channel of awakening, guidance, and deep loving kindness.
  • Aimed at co: designing, facilitating, hosting, prototyping, sustaining, exploring, creating, and more.

We are a tribe gradually recognizing each other, revealing ourselves as mirrors, and appreciating in each other a source of inspiration.

We are a network of open hearts, disruptive, opening spaces for deep connection on a fragmented planet.

Let's generate together a collective change from within.

The times are urgent, let us slow down; the times are urgent, let us slow down; the times are urgent, let us slow down. - Bayo Akomolafe


I feel a deep gratitude for so many people full of intention, dedication and, of course, a lot of humor. Thank you for being part of this path that unveils itself. It has been an honor to co-design, co-facilitate but above all to jump together into the adventure of sustaining intentional spaces. Also for the adventure that implies giving space to the shadows (our own and collective) that show up as we work as a group. Invitations full of potential.

How much shared learning, I celebrate the courage and trust to this shared movement.

* If I did not include you, it is because I did not find a photo or my memory with the years fails, write me!