Life is unfolding by nature.
Always presenting spontaneous surprises.
With joyous compassion giving us precise information to grow, nurturing the soil.
Pointing us always towards our inner nature, to remember our source.
Life is moving, refreshing, reminding us as a fractal with specificity and wholeness.

Our purpose is to recognize this.

When we realize that everything is constantly unwrapping, we can rest and open to generous possibilities.
We are not controlling that unfolding ever changing process, there's a deeper force guiding us. Inviting us to listening to our deeper sources of wisdom to discern on our call. The agency to create. We are life’s co-creation.
We are not the creator but the focal point in which the sun recognizes itself as the ray. - Amoda Maa
In times of uncertainty, fear, and despair. Attending a call from the timeless wisdom of love, a call to connect through spirit and collaborate in our awakening as brothers and sisters of life.

Guiding principles
Spirit is the guidance. We just need to open an intentional space for it to emerge.
Does it invite the quality of poetry?
Hints: It has an echoing rhythm, brings the invisible to the light, has a divine order/composition, brings joy, ignites the imagination, and elevates us.

Does it show the potential beauty in all?
(nature, humans, community)
Can we compassionately and wisely wake up to the intense expansion of the fractal that we are?

Is it rooted in this incarnation?
Is there soil for sprouts to grow?

Are we inviting the intelligence of the body?
Is it taking shape?