
What is Unfolding?

In short:
Spaces of profound transformation.

These spaces take different forms.

Spaces to honor what emerges through us in the collective.

Spaces to honor what emerges through us in the collective.

Projects, prototypes, opening creative portals, and deep connection.

Healing rituals that address intergenerational karma.

Spaces of inner exploration guided by life through us.

We walk on the edge of awakening consciousness with joy, courage, surrender, and trust.

A latent frequency in service for awakening.

Why Unfolding?

To answer an inner call to be in the service of life. In a world in complete transformation and wracked with pain, violence, and polarization, I felt called to contribute from a place beyond my personality and to serve others. We must move through fear and allow ourselves to feel joy. Knowing that we are worthy of peace.  This phrase from Sergi Torres speaks to this “hope turned into service”

What Do We Do?

We design, support, facilitate, and host spaces of creative transformation based on consciousness.

We, it’s because this is a space that invites to explore collaborations.


Create spaces for action based on awareness, experiencing profound co-feeling, and inward inquiry to activate deep sources of intelligence from intuition, heart, and spirit. By allowing the process to serve the collective, we co-create prototypes (projects, platforms, processes, products) with a higher purpose: to awaken humanity and unite as one.

Be aware of the individual, intergenerational and collective trauma that often comes to surface in group processes.

Use social technologies to empower transformation that generates the conditions for authentic, inspired, and effective collaboration.

In half-day, full-day, retreat, or program formats.

One-on-One Sessions

Personal sessions to open spaces of exploration to unblock, unveil, or integrate internal growth processes. Focus on enhancing creativity, clarifying purpose, or addressing unintegrated past (trauma). Soul reading, informed human design, and transparent communication.

I offer my nervous system and inner space so yours can expand and hold what is ready to mobilize and reorder.

Synchronizing our systems (physical, energetic, emotional, spiritual, multidimensional), surrendering to inner wisdom in company and guide.


We host a loving, nurturing, and trauma-informed space to have difficult conversations, explore common purpose, remember the freshness of the bonds that bind, support a loved one in a particular context, allow family members to feel stagnant emotions, accompany a person nearing death, and listen deeply to convey profound messages that the Universe wishes to manifest.

In half-day, full-day, retreat, or program formats.

We specialize in guiding families who are accompanying a loved one through the final stages of life and want to be intentional about a spiritual and emotional understanding of death. Learn how to meet the last breath with grace and compassion.


Experiential, interactive, and visual presentations accompanied by photographs and music with an inspirational and contextualized approach. No maximum number of people.

Inner Costa Rica: A guided, artistic visual journey to connect with the heart of Costa Rica. Guided facilitation + photography + inner attunement.


  • Costa Rica from above and beyond, a visual journey
  • Costa Rica from above
  • Magical Trees
  • Pura Gente
  • Animal Wonders
  • Personalized


Part of the Art of Human Flourishing series:

  • Creative Prototyping
  • Wise collective action
  • Nurturing the soil for potentiality
  • Healing rituals for the soul
  • Fear Detox
  • SIEnTE: co-evolución de la experiencia de sentir
  • Seteando Intenciones
  • Flow Game para equipos, individuos o familias
  • Befriending the Nervous System
  • Acuerdos colectivos: navegando conflicto en grupos humanos